Accessibility & Inclusion of Students with Disabilities at the U of I

A picture of the University of Idaho's administration building. It's a red brick building with a castle-like structure surrounded by evergreen trees.

Accessibility & Inclusion of Students with Disabilities at the U of I

By: Kincaid Moberly    Email:

Home Town: Moscow, Idaho    High School: Moscow High School

Major: Sociology-Gen Sociology Emph
Department: Sociology & Anthropology
College: College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences

We are designing a survey to measure the attitudes of Moscow-campus students on accessibility and inclusion at the University of Idaho. The survey will address campus climate, environment, and services.


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Additional Project Information:

Year in College Project Started:  Senior

Faculty Advisor:   Erik  Luvaas

Faculty Advisor Email:

Faculty Advisor Website:

Funding Source:  OUR Fall Semester Grant

External Link to Project Information:  

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