Student Projects

A picture of the University of Idaho's administration building. It's a red brick building with a castle-like structure surrounded by evergreen trees.

Accessibility & Inclusion of Students with Disabilities at the U of I

We are designing a survey to measure the attitudes of Moscow-campus students on accessibility and inclusion at the University of Idaho. The survey will address campus climate, environment, and services.

Enriching the Virtual Experience: Designing an Interactive Experience Using Electrical Circuits

Abstract In recent years, much progress has been made in the field of virtual reality: creating an engaging experience by fully immersing users in a virtual world. This project, however, explores a different approach: creating an engaging experience by bringing elements of the virtual world into reality. This project explores different methods of bridging the …

Reshaping Business for Modern Success: The Power of Supply Chain Innovation

Abstract Companies face unprecedented challenges in today’s ever-changing business landscape due to global expansion, technological advancements, and evolving consumer preferences. As a result, businesses are adopting various supply chain and operational strategies and tactics to stay competitive, which is often demonstrated in the company’s financial performance. This research uses ten years of longitudinal firm-level data …

Breaking the Grass Ceiling: Intro to Hemp Rope as an Alternative to Plastic Fishing Nets

Hello and welcome! Thank you for your interest in my project: Industrial Hemp, Cannabis sativa, as a Natural Fiber Alternative to Synthetic Fishing Nets and Lines! With most fishing nets being made of plastics, it is an issue for marine life who tend to get caught up in them or consume them. Looking for a …

Segmentation analyses to identify and quantify microglia in 3D image stacks

Abstract: Using time-lapse confocal microscopy to record and observe microgliabehavior in living zebrafish embryos, the Mitchell lab investigates themolecular basis of dynamic migration and phagocytic behavior of microgliain the central nervous system. Microglial cells regulate brain development,maintain neuronal networks, and repair neural injuries. Timelapse imagingprovides crucial insight into the behavior of these cells. Other methods, …

Improving Biometric Data Collection for Female Athletes

AbstractThe innovative field of biometrics has existed for more than a century in the medical and sports fields.In the athletic domain, biometric data are the measurements of physical and physiological informationfor assessment of performance and recovery in sports. Much of the existing biometric-based researchfrom the United State has been conducted on primarily on men which …

Tailocin treatment of American Foulbrood Disease in honeybees

Tailocins are antibacterial proteins produced by some bacteria to kill closely related bacterial strains. In nature, this benefits the microbe by offering a way for them to control the bacterial composition of their environments. However, in a lab setting, researchers can use these tailocins to treat against unwanted bacteria. The purpose of this research project …

Selective Reflections for the Nelder-Mead Algorithm

Background The Nelder-Mead algorithm is used to find the smallest value of a function. The algorithm first evaluates the function at a set of points, called the simplex. Then the algorithm replaces the worst point with a new point generated via a geometric reflection of the worst point through the simplex. The most basic movement …

Anxiety and the Effectiveness of Misinformation Fact-Checks

Abstract As levels of misinformation rise in the United States, so does the threat to efficient and effective policy-making. Most Americans are subject to misinformation, causing them to actively think/behave against the recommendations and empirical findings of experts. That said, in the absence of misinformation fact-checks and the presence of individual defiance toward corrective information, …

The Folk Influences on the Piano Works of Manuel M. Ponce

Abstract – The compositions of musicians from underrepresented backgrounds have gone largely overlooked in the core literature for piano and in academic fields such as musicology and theoretical analysis. The music of Mexican composers such as Manuel Maria Ponce, deserves to be in the standard repertoire of classical piano as his artistic merit could be …